Enabling Sustainability Through Our Solar Product Sales

We have entered into a joint venture with Offgridsun SRL to establish Inter Ethiopia, a partnership dedicated to designing and supplying solar power systems in Ethiopia. Offgridsun SRL, an Italian-based professional manufacturer and supplier, brings expertise in solar systems, including solar panels, inverters, charge controllers, solar batteries, lithium batteries, and Pico solar products. Through this collaboration, we aim to provide reliable and sustainable solar solutions to meet the energy needs of Ethiopia.
Black man, roof and solar panel installation team of construction worker technician outdoor. Busine


As a result of Inter Ethiopia’s longstanding reputation in the solar business and the partnership with Offgridsun SRL, we have established strong relationships with numerous local distributors, installers, and users. Leveraging this network, we proudly offer a one-stop solar supermarket that provides turnkey solar system solutions at affordable prices. Our comprehensive approach ensures that customers can easily access all the necessary components and services they need for their solar projects, making the transition to solar energy seamless and cost-effective.

Inter Ethiopia is committed to provide its customers environment-friendly energy solutions.
We would like to assist you in Consulting Services, Import of Solar system products as well as Solar Projects.

Hope we can get the support from all of our solar customers to build a bright future.